Please note that SAVE and RESTORE may not available due to applet security restrictions. I know that it works fine in IE, as long as you trust me.
If you get really stuck, you can make use of the invisiclues.
If you have a browser with a Java 1.2 or higher plugin (note that this plugin is available for ALL browswers, you use this public certificate to get it to work.
Here's what you must do:

  1. Download the public certificate.
  2. Use keytool to install the certificate in among your trusted certificate store:
    keytool -import -alias rustycacert -keystore [path to java installation]/jre/security/cacerts -file x509.cacert
    If you're not sure where the certificate store is, look for a "cacerts" file. You probably only have one.
  3. Type in your password, to add the certificate. If you haven't done this before, the password should be "changeit."